Cluster of shipbuilding and ship repair in Primorsky Region: prospects and opportunities

  • Astafurova I.S.

    Ph.D., Associate Professor
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


Currently, there is a stagnation in the Russian economy, and in some industries – a recession, for the economic development of Russia requires the development of ways for sustainable development, both during the financial crisis and during periods of growth. Studies, due to the need to form an effective strategy of Russian shipbuilding and ship repair in the Far East, the problem of ensuring the competitive development of shipbuilding and ship repair in the Far Eastern Federal District (and Far Eastern Federal District), and in Primorsky Region in particular, is now becoming particularly relevant. For the Far East, marine transport, shipbuilding and related economic activities are priority areas of the economy and represent a direction related to fisheries. Therefore, the prospects for the development of the shipbuilding and ship repair industries of Primorye are an actual basis for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in these areas, as the basis for achieving the status of Russia as a world power, shipbuilding and ship repair for the DFO has the most important national economic importance for the country’s economy as a whole. The geographic location of the region, its importance in relations with China, Japan, Korea is beyond doubt, the evaluation of foreign partnership models, interaction of private and public sectors of the economy should be comprehensive. One of the urgent tasks is the organization of transformations in ship repair and shipbuilding, including innovative ones, oriented to the successful achievement of the life cycle of the plan. This allows us to identify the main stages in the implementation of cluster policy in Primorye, guided by the “Methodological Recommendations for the Implementation of Cluster Policy in the Subjects of the Russian Federation”. On this basis, the structure of the cluster is presented as a stimulating base for the further development of shipbuilding and ship repair in Primorsky Region.

Keywords: cluster, shipbuilding, ship repair, competitiveness, departmental, scientific, production, single responsibility center, financing, algorithm, potential.